Governor McKee Announces $11 Million in Matching Funds Available for Municipal Public Safety Infrastructure Projects

Published on Thursday, December 21, 2023

PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee announced today that the Department of Administration is accepting applications from cities and towns to access state matching funds to complete significant public safety facility infrastructure improvements, including new construction. The Municipal Public Safety Infrastructure grant program, which was established in the Fiscal Year 2024 enacted budget, is funded with $11 million in State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF) through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The maximum award amount is $5.0 million for regional projects and $1.0 million for local projects. 

"Investing in the men and women who keep Rhode Islanders safe is vital, and this program is one way we're doing that," said Governor Dan McKee. "I encourage our 39 municipalities to apply for this program to assist in updating, upgrading and enhancing the first-class public safety services our state offers."

As specified in the enacted budget, funding priority is based on project readiness, including the availability of local funds to satisfy the matching requirement and the anticipated start and completion dates to assess whether projects will meet U.S. Treasury’s SFRF obligation deadline of December 31, 2024, and expenditure deadline of December 31, 2026.  

Eligible expenses include design, predevelopment, construction, and direct administrative costs related to a public safety facilities infrastructure project. The application, which is available on the Pandemic Recovery Office’s website, [] is due by Friday, January 26, 2024. Award decisions are expected to be announced the following month. 

This project was supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP0136 awarded to the State of Rhode Island by the U.S. Department of Treasury.